Mapperley Village

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Interior of Stanley Church (not dated)

Grateful thanks to Brian Steele for providing this copy.
It was found inside a bible given to him by his Aunt May Wint of the sweet shop, Mapperley in about 1961




Stanley Parish Magazine 1895

The Register

BAPTISMS. - October 27th, Annie, daughter of Selina Bacon, Stanley Common;
Harriet, daughter of Thomas and Mary Cresswell, Stanley Common;
Laura, daugher of Joseph and Elizabeth Sarah Bacon, Stanley Common.

MARRIAGE, - October 16th, Robert Barton Evans to Ann Whitby.

Harvest Festival

The chief event to be recorded during the month just past is our Harvest Festival, which was held on Sunday, October 13th. Large congregations assembled in our little Parish Church on that day, to offer up their thanks and praise to Almighty God, our Heavenly Father, for all the blessings Pie has bestowed upon us in connection with another year's harvest.

At the first service of the day—the Celebration of the Holy Communion - which is, after all, the greatest service that we can offer - it was gratifying to see a rather larger attendance than usual; and we trust that those who were present at that early service realised to the full one meaning, at any rate, of the words, "Those that seek Me early shall find Me." Morning - Prayer was said at 10.30, when the church was filled in every part, the preacher being the Rev. W. Blurton, vicar of Kirk Hallam. Evensong followed at 6.30, but long before that hour the church presented the appearance of being full; and by the time the service commenced every available corner was occupied, many being unable to find a seat. The preacher at this service was the Rev. F. Utterson, vicar of St. Anne's, Derby, who had previously visited and preached at Stanley about thirty years ago.

The services were very bright and hearty, and the special anthem was sung by the choir with great taste and vigour.
The collections throughout the day (which were on behalf of the Church expenses) amounted to £3 10s., which was not quite so much as last year.

The church, with its decorations of fruit, flowers, corn, &c., looked very picturesque, the chancel-screen again adding greatly to the general appearance of the building, and was much admired. Many thanks are due to those who gave their time and loving labour in the work of decorating, and also to those who sent of their produce for the adornment of God's House, and for the benefit of the poor suffering ones in the Derby Infirmary.

Church Expenses

It is proposed, if funds will permit, to endeavour to make some improvement in the heating of the church during the winter months. And, with this object in view, it was hoped that the collections at the harvest festival would have reached a somewhat larger amount.

Stanley Common

Sincere thanks to Michael Hotter for this poster - July 2019

Magic Lantern Entertainment

On Tuesday evening, October 29th, a magic lantern entertainment was given in the schoolroom, at Stanley Common, by the Rev. J. M. Mello, M.A., vicar of Mapperley, who kindly exhibited a series of 100 views, illustrating a tour on the Continent, embracing most of the objects of interest in Holland, Belgium, Switzerland, and Italy.

There was a crowded attendance, and all appeared thoroughly to enjoy the beautiful scenes thrown upon the screen, and Mr. Mello's most instructive description of the various places illustrated.

The entertainment, which was a most successful one, was brought to a close by the exhibition of a set of comical slides, which had been provided by Mr. Spencer for the amusement of the young people, but, judging by the loud roars of laughter which they evoked, we are inclined to think, that others enjoyed giving play to their risible faculties besides the boys and girls who were present. The proceeds of the entertainment were to defray the expenses connected with the Evening Continuation School held last winter.

Hospital Sunday

Collections will be made on Sunday, Nov. 10, on behalf of the Derbyshire Royal Infirmary. Stanley every year receives very considerable benefit from this, noble institution; let us therefore do our; best in contributing liberally to support it in its useful work.

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