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Derby Evening Telegraph - Tuesday, November 19, 1974

David Isam, David Hartshorne, Helen Durow, Richard Skinner and Nigel Hubbard

MAPLE TREES are growing again, in Mapperley Village, near Ilkeston.

Tradition has it that Mapperley got its name from maple trees which used to grow there, but which have died out.

But when "Plant A Tree in '73" scheme was being considered by the parent-teacher association of Mapperley C of E Primary School it was suggested   that  maple   trees be planted.


At the weekend three trees, specially flown from Canada, were planted in the village churchyard.

They were planted by Mr Mike Hildred, representing the Ontario Government, which provided the trees, and the Canadian Government; Mr Grahame Handley, managing director of the Canadian firm of Laura Secord Ltd. who have a branch in Ilkeston; and D. H. Whittaker, the divisional educational officer.


Laura Secord Ltd have also presented a seat and South-East Derbyshire College of Further Education two commemorative plaques. The seat has been made by Mr Alan Burton, of West Hallam.

The trees were blessed by the Rector of West Hallam, the Rev K. Vorley.

Village schoolchildren are seen (above) gathered round one of the newly-planted saplings and (below) making use of the new communal seat.

A mini-market and exhibition of children's project work in the school was opened by Mrs Whittaker and the children presented a gift to Mrs F. Udall, who suggested the tree planting.

Mary Flint
Inquest Before Mr. Mozley, Coroner

On Saturday the 23rd. and by adjournment on Tuesday, the 26th inst., at Mapperley, on the body of Mary Flint aged 26. Deceased was a young woman of a somewhat weak mind but with a degree of cunning not unfrequently allied with it. She was unmarried and six months advanced in pregnancy, and had died, apparently from the effects of poison the Friday before. Mr. Longstaff, surgeon of Ilkeston, submitted to various tests the stomach and its contents and detected the presence of a considerable quantity of arsenic. It was considered unlikely that the deceased should have obtained the arsenic herself, and every inquiry was made, and many witnesses examined, with the hope of discovering who had given it to her, or obtained it for her, but, unfortunately, for the present without success. The jury returned a verdict. "That deceased died from having swallowed arsenic, but under what circumstances, by whom administered or procured, and whether taken by her with or without a guilty knowledge, did not appear in evidence to the jury."

Derby Mercury. Wednesday, May 27th. 1846

(My thanks to Barry Dibb of Ilkeston for sending this article to me)

Pre War Football Team Recalled circa 1935

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Looking through some old photos, I came across a snap of my pre-war football team, Mapperley Miners Welfare, from around 1935.

The lady who took the original was one of the players' wives and the camera she used would probably have been a box brownie.

I would like to give the picture to the team if they would like it for their collection.

I spent several years at Mapperley village in those days, some of the happiest times at the home of Mr and Mrs Ernest Peacock, who treated me like their own son.

Mr 'E' thought I was a good enough player for Mapperley M W, as it was known from 1934 onwards. I also spent two Christmas Days and Boxing Days there.

As the Earl of Harrington Hounds met at the Black Horse for their Christmas meet on Boxing Day, we - Billie and Frank Peacock and myself - followed them sometimes, once as far as Loco Park, Stanley.

We had some good times at the Black Horse and the Candlestick Hotel, near the pit. I think Mr Sherwin kept one or the other. The landlord at the Candlestick had to carry the beer up from the cellar.

I had to bike to Mapperley from Ilkeston - about four to five miles - every week in the football season and at other times as well.

Once or twice, Mr 'E' would say, when I arrived on match day: "Come across to the pub." Then he would give me a new-laid egg and say: "Put that in y'ole. It'll make you play well today."

I also went a few times during the war as I used to go fishing with Billie Peacock. There were times at Mapperley that I'll never forget. I can remember all but one on the photo. The boys at the front are the Pritchart twins. I wonder how many are still alive.

Ted Gilbert (86), Nuthall Nottingham

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The owner of this photograph, Mrs, E Beardsley (Elsie Downing), of 23 Mapperley Village, believes it shows the people involved in the launching of Mapperley Mothers' Union.

The picture was taken outside Mapperley Institute in 1912 or 1913.

Millennium Mugs

These mugs were commissioned by Mapperley Parish Council to celebrate the 2000 Millennium.

A competion was organised by Mapperley School to design them. The winner was Reece Wardle of Mapperley.

The drawing on the mug is of Holy Trinity Mapperley.

A mug was given to every child in the village and the surplus sold to parishioners

My thanks to Elizabeth Campbell for the loan of the mugs...and well done Reece


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